Saturday, June 11, 2011

Canadian Sculpture Centre and a Website

I'm showing my work "Battle Damage" at the Canadian Sculpture Centre from June 8th to July 8th for the 16th Annual Juried Graduating Sculpture Student Exhibiton. The Show is fantastic showing other work from other key graduate artists around Ontario. Below are the poster/postcard they used. They used one of my photographs for it, to which I am grateful.

Also I have my own website now so check it out at Later Internet lovers!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

To catch you up

Alright, I've been very busy this year with a number of things so I am going to quickly sum up the past year in this one post in point form. Here goes.

- I was the President of the Visual Arts Students Association (VASA) at the university I was attending

- Curated, along with VASA, the show "We are here to" at the Twist Gallery in March 2011

- Grew a beard

- Worked as a sculpture studio monitor for plaster, wood, and metal

- Finished teachers college

- Graduated with a BFA and BEd

- Presented old and new works in various galleries in Toronto (Resistor, Gales, Special Projects, etc.)

- Working on my own type of autobiographical comic book

- Made a new intense sculptural work called "Battle Damage" (more on the piece next post!)

- Showed my new sculptural with select artists at the show Parallax in May at 85 Bedford in Toronto

- Nominated for the BMO First Art Award for my new sculptural piece

- Met Brendan Tang (Really cool guy and amazing artwork)

- Selected to show my work in the Sculptor Society of Canada's 16th Annual Sculptors Society of Canada's 16th Annual Juried Graduating Sculpture Student Exhibition from June 8th to July 8th. Reception/Awards Ceremony is at 500 Church Street, Toronto on June 9th at 6:30pm

- Moved back to my hometown

So things are looking up and I am dreadfully sorry for not being better with my blog. Sorry blog, it'll never happen again. And to you all you Internet Enthusiasts, I hope you enjoy this post. More drawings, sculptures, and other artworks soon to follow!